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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tuesday 1/29/2013


Describe Owen's inner conflict after the accident.  What are some of the things he is struggling with?


  1. He is filing like he doesn't care. He stopped working in school. And he doesn't wont to live . so he is filing crazy and jest stupid.=\

    1. Good response and use of examples from the story. Always double check your spelling! :)

  2. Owens inner conflict is dealing with the fact that he messed up his friendly relationship with Natalie. He is struggling with trying to remember what happened in the accident. Also, he decides he doesn't want his mom to see him.

    1. I don't know if he really wants to remember what happened in the accident. You're right though that he's dealing with the relationship he ruined with Natalie. There's more going on though than just his problem with Natalie...

  3. Owen inner conflict has messed him up after this accident. He don't remember nothing after he had the car wreck. Also, he didn't want to see Natalie anymore he has went off the deep end big time, and don't even really wanna live anymore.

    1. Good work Zach! Glad to see you're reading, even though you're not in class today. :)

    2. Lol I finished Vocabb! No more Roar!!

  4. Owen is feeling lonely and he wants to be left alone, But at the same time he wants someone there to really comfort him. Natalie is trying but he is to ashamed to talk to her. Owen is also struggling with his work habits at school, He has lost focus and is not trying to gain it back!

    1. Great response! You're absolutely right - he's not even trying to get his focus in life back! He's alone and wallowing in his own misery.

    2. Thank you Mrs.Fisher. (:

  5. Owens inner conflict is starting to mess up his life. He can`t remember having the accident, he doesn't want to see Natalie. He`s starting to go back to this old self before he meet Natalie. To me it seems like Owen just doesn't want to be living anymore.

    1. I agree, especially with the last part.

    2. He's going back to his old, lonely ways. I think this time it's even worse though!

    3. True he is going back to his old ways

  6. Once Owen gets in the accident, he doesn't care about school, or trying to get his friendship with Natalie back. He doesn't try to talk to Natalie in school anymore, and he doesn't go to her house or try to hang out with her. Owen and his father don't talk much anymore because they don't have anything to say anymore.

    1. Owen is more alone now than he's ever been! Good post!

  7. If i was Owen i might have done the same thing because getting rejected is really hard to take in. It makes you have doubts about yourself and wounder why you not good enough for that person. So Owens inner conflict is that he has no idea what to do but all he knows is that he doesn't want to be around Natalie or it will be awkward. But when he finds out that she came to the hospitable to check up on him it makes him realize that she still cares about him. Some of the things that he struggles with are caring and how he takes things; He needs to be more considerate on other peoples feelings and he takes things way to far. He got rejected so what he needs to not let that affect him i get it that its his best friend and all but maybe if he talks about it with her they can just get over this little problem because having her in his life is better than not having her at all.

    1. Very insightful post Chasidy! I completely agree with you - if he tries to talk to her about it he may be able to get over the rejection. Besides, he's obviously miserable without her in his life! You get the award for BEST POSTS so far!

    2. Yes, that's a challenge for anyone who's paying attention and reading other classmates posts like they should be. I DARE you to create better posts than Chasidy. She's totally rocking this discussion board! :)

    3. Yaayyy! I won (: &' Thanks Mrs.Fisher !(:

    4. Owen has alot of problems... First it was Natalie because he loves her and she doesn't love him that much nor like that!! Second he got in a car crash and had to go in the hospital and he dont remember anything.

  8. I think he is having a conflict with his self because of the car crash. One of the reasons he is struggling is cause what he is going through with Natalie. And one of the other reasons is with the car incident.

  9. After the accident he started not to care about school. He really didn't like Natalie that much as before. Owen he don't wanna see her like go in late for school or not even go to her house. I think he gonna start liking her and be nicer.

  10. Owens inter conflict is that he is unhappy because he didn't fix his problem with Natalie. Also if I was in Owens shoes and got rejected I would just leave it alone and at least let her think about what she wants to do. Also I wouldn't start yelling and getting up set just because she just wants to be friends you should respect what she wants to do.

  11. The inner conflict is that Owen is feeling kinda depressed. So he has to have all his thoughts in his head. He is thinking about Natalie and the car and his what his parents are thinking about him since he wrecked the car.

  12. Owen is feeling sad about the situation that's going on in his life . His been in a car accident and he don't remember what happen. Natalie is having second thoughts about the friend relationship with Owen as well .

  13. Owen inner conflict has messed him up after this accident.Owen is feeling lonely and he wants to be left alone.Some of the things that he struggles with are caring and how he takes things; He needs to be more considerate on other peoples feelings and he takes things way to far into heart he really was heart when Natile only sees him as a best freind in thats how he got in the reck in the first place.

  14. I think that Owen is feeling depressed because Natalie doesn't want to be with Owen and they don't feel the spark anymore. Also Natalie found out that Owen wanted to do what his friends told him to do.(sex). so that's why I think Owen wrecked his car.


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