Since we have our head in the cloud with the Greek Olympians why not activate our scientific brains and take look at the Solar System!
In your post, DESCRIBE YOU PLANET IN DETAIL, by replying to the comment about your planet. Be sure to include FACTS as well as your thoughts about the interesting information you discovered. You are the teacher here...make it interesting...have a "voice" in your post.
After everyone has posted in each class
ReplyDeleteThe solar system is the sun an everything that moves around it. Asteroids, planets, and comets orbit the sun. Also the sun can be called a star because it has hot gasses inside it. Another example is the sun is 864,000 miles away, more than one million planets the size of earth can fit inside the sun. As the sun spins and rotates it moves around the Milky Way, and the middle of the sun rotates once every 27 days. Astronomers believe the sun began as a giant cloud of gas and dust in space.
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The sun reaches 16,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit, The sun is a medium yellow sized star which I thought it is much bigger. It has 64 moons, and is made up of hydrogen and helium. The sun is in the center of the solar system. On earth, the sun's heat and light make life possible.
Duncan - Interesting that the sun is considered a "medium" sized star! It does look much bigger - why is that? Be sure to give a fact then back it up with another statement.
DeleteNydgel - words like "Also and Example" mean you are adding more information on the same topic but your are adding different facts. Lets work on word choice. You have several great details but you are just listing them instead of explaining what the sun is.
ReplyDeleteMercury is the closest planet to the sun but is still 36 million miles away.Mercury looks like a big moon and dark gray in color.Mercury does not have its own moon. There is also no life on mercury.There is no myth about my planet mercury.
Deleteclick here to see picture of mercury
Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. It has a rocky surface and made of gases. It is 3,031 miles wide. Only 18 plants the size of mercury could fit into one earth. Appears on the western sky after sunset. The planet has no moons and is 300 degrees hot. The biggest crater on mercury is called Caloris Basin it was made from a big asteroid and it is 800 miles long. It's rotates 59 days and has 88 days long.
DeleteHighlight link below and right click to see a picture of Mercury
Interesting facts by both of you!
DeleteHowever, Mercury is also the name of the Greek God Hermes. The information was not in the science book you read about your planet because it is a STORY that the Greeks made up to explain scientific things. You have great scientific facts here but you only reported one reading.
Be sure to follow all of the directions in the post.
ReplyDeleteVenus is the second planet in our solar system that is close to the sun. Venus is the hottest planet, it has thick clouds that trap the suns heat and holds it in around Venus. It is also 15 times hotter than the earth. Venus has tall mountains and deep canyons on Venus there are thousands of volcanoes, when volcanoes cools it down it turns into rocks. Venus is the easiest of all planets to see from the earth its brighter then the starts in the sky.
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Venus is one of the four planet that have a rocky surfaces also Venus can reach to 900degree Fahrenheit. Venus is the second planet form the sun it is about 67 million miles away from the sun that's a long way from the sun. Venus is the third brightest planet in the solar system is Venus
DeleteNeither of you mention that Venus is also the name of Greek Goddess, Aphrodite. You read about this in the Greek Mythology research packet.
DeleteWhat can you tell me about this story?
ReplyDeleteThe Earth is the third planet from the Sun, about 93 million miles. It orbits the Sun at 67,000 miles per hour! Even at that incredible speed, it still takes 365 days (one year) to travel around the sun once! As it is orbiting, it is also spinning or rotating. It takes 24 hours for one complete rotation. We call this one day, and it is night when the side of the earth is facing away from the sun, and day when it is directly facing the sun.
DeleteEarth is the only planet with liquid water on its surface. In fact, 71% is covered in water making it look blue from space and keeping it fairly mild average surface temperature of 59 degrees. (Remember average means middle - the surface gets hotter and colder as we know from living here)
Most scientist think Earth formed about 4.5 billion years ago from a swirling cloud of gasses and dust. The Greek myth is pretty similar. The Greeks believed that the Earth or, Gaia as they called her, grew out of a dark space named Chaos. It is from this Greek Myth that we get the name "Mother Earth".
Oops here is a link to a good picture of Earth from space
There are many mistakes in my post! BE SURE to PROOFREAD before you post! This is an example of a rushed job :(
ReplyDeleteMars is the fourth planet from the sun. It looks like a red disk. Its colors comes from the red dust on surface . The distance from the sun is 142 million miles. The revolution period is 687 days . Its rotation is 24 hours and 37 minutes. Their are two moons on the planet. scientists think that life may have existed on mars long ago. Ares is a Greek God and she was name after the planet mars. Mars was the God of war. Ares would also fight on both sides.
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Aja - Ares is a guy not a girl - be sure to check your facts. What do you mean he would fight on both sides? Make a statement and support it. Remember N2SBWSW to improve the flow of writing.
ReplyDeleteJupiter is a red and white with swirls in them.It has 16 moons in all.Jupiter is 88,850 miles long.From the sun it is 483 miles away.The only view it gets are its 16 moons.There is no life on there because it is to cold.Its texture is icy and rocky.
Jupiter is made of gases and is one of the planets that are made of rocks. On Jupiter their are zones and belts that make up the color of the planet.The white are the zones and the reddish-orange color are the belts.Did you know Jupiter is twice as large as the other planets.this planet has 16 moons.
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Tasya - good details but you are just listing in choppy details. What about a connection to Greek Mythology? You were done quickly but this is incomplete. :(
DeleteMychael - watch your tense to be sure it all matches Jupiter of the planets that is. is=is Greek Myth??
Jupiter was also the name for Zeus. Find out more about this and share it here.
ReplyDeleteSaturn is one type of planet with rings. Scientists call them ears. Saturn's rotation day is only 10 hours and 39 minutes. Saturn is one of the outer planets, and is made up of whirling gases, and a rocky core right in the middle of Saturn. The core is the same size as the earth. Saturn has 20 moons. The planet is Blue, Yellow and dark orange and Saturn's rings are black and Dark green. That's SATURN!
DeleteClick to see pictures of Saturn.
Wow the core (or center) of Saturn is the size of earth - that IS BIG!
DeleteGreat details!
ReplyDeleteUranus is one of the giant outer planets made of gas.It is tilted 98 degrees on its axis.Its seasons are the most extreme of any planet in the solar system.Uranus does not receive as much light and heat from the sun as earth does.Uranus is the third largest planet in the solar system. It is 31,764 miles (51,118 kilometers)wide . Uranus is four times wider than earth.Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun. You can see the planet only on a very clear night away from city lights.When you look through a telescope, Uranus look's like a small blue-green disk.Uranus was discovered in 1781 by William Herschel. Uranus has rings but they are thin and dark making them hard to see. Life as we know it could not survive on Uranus.
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Uranus is a circular blue and greenish colorful planet. There's no life on this planet due to the weather being -350 degrees. The planet has no solid ground, has gases and ice everywhere. Therefore that's why nothing can live on this planet. Uranus is the third largest planet on the solar system. It's 32,000 miles across at its middle. Uranus is 1.7 billion miles away from the sun. Even though Uranus isn't connected to any greek myths, it's named "The Father Of Saturn". Also a very interesting facr is Uranus has two moons.
Delete- Highlight Link & Right Click
Tatiana - N2SBWSW! You began many sentences here with Uranus making it difficult to read - like a list rather than a teaching paragraph. Neat info about being able to see it on a clear night though. Let's look for it! :)
DeleteDanielle - I like how you make a statement of fact then explain it in your own words. Also even though there is no Greek Myth connection, you found another story name to enhance your paragraph. Good job!
ReplyDeleteNeptune has 8 moons. It has the gas methane that gives Neptune's its blue color. Neptune had a storm spot that where huge storms appeared then disappeared and that is now called The Dark Spot. It is 2,797 million miles away from earth. Neptune is visible from earth with binoculars or a small telescope.The temperature is -360 degrees Fahrenheit and -218 degrees Celsius. With all the gases on Neptune nothing will ever be able to survive on it.
Deleteclick here for a picture:
Hmmm since Neptune has a "storm spot" I wonder which Greek God is also called Neptune. Don't forget to share that info! Good job on the scientific facts shared.
DeleteNeptune is 2.8 billion miles(4.5 billion kilometers) from the sun. Neptune is far from the sun , it take 165 earth years to make one orbit. Neptune is known as the "Gas Giant". There's no life on Neptune because it doesn't have any oxygen, Neptune is a cold planet. Neptune one have two moons. Neptune is 30,776 miles( kilometers wide.
ReplyDeletePluto was the smallest planet in the solar system and it really does not have a color, because it is so cold.It is 3,673 million miles from the sun,and yes it has one moon called Charon. It is cold there too. Pluto is no longer part of the solar system club.IT is now considered a dwarf planet.
DeleteThe only thing you can see from Pluto, is the moon, and there is no life on it because it is made of ice cold rock.
Yes, my planet is connected to a Greek god which is Hades the god the underworld.The gate keeper of the underworld is Charon,and this is the name of Pluto's only planet.
visit this link for a picture of Pluto
Great job!!!
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